Introducing: The Reconfusion Workshop method

New article on Medium - Capability Innovation: Introducing: The Reconfusion Workshop method.

Solving complex problems by becoming confused on a whole new level instead of jumping to conclusions.

With this text, we will share a method that has come to be one of the main tools in our toolbox when solving complex strategic problems for clients. It aims to move the group from confusion and individual definitions to clarity and common understanding of a specific strategic problem, however big and multifaceted it might be.

The name of the method? It’s a play on the words “reframing” and “confusion” and is a reference to the phrase “confused on a totally new level”. We consider being confused on a new level to be a success, since the method claims to provide clarity on what the problem is, but not on what to do about it (that’s for succeeding experimentation). The phrase also implies that the confusion now resides on the group level and that the participants have the same confusion, not several individual confusions.

Author: Anders Wengelin

Read the whole article on Medium - Capability Innovation.

Anders Wengelin

Maker of change and advisor to senior managers. Co-creator of ChangeLab, CEO, partner and management consultant at Sense/Make. Writes about strategy, change and agility in complexity.


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